- children's programming is on 24/7 with the right cable package.
- 2 day old coffee is better than no coffee, despite my college days protestations
- sleeping with you clothes on makes not showering seem like a good option. shoes make getting up easier and quicker, especially when a school bus is involved, but they tangle the sheets.
- if you nap next to your toddler's crib, be sure that all hard toys have been removed, as waking to a wiggles guitar hitting your head is far uglier an alarm than any buzzer invented.
- Preparation-H does work on the bags under your eyes. (dedicate a tube--mixed use is gross)
- if your kid is sleeping in the car it's OK for you to sleep in the car too, just be sure to park it first.
The most important lesson is that my kid's enthusiasm for life is far more invigorating than a 5 Hour Energy shot chased wit a Red Bull.
"Dad it snowed, let's go sledding"
"It's 6 am"
"It's light out."
"Should we have breakfast first?"
"OK, wake up mom and tell her you need breakfast." (Mom let's me sleep in more than she ought to.)
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